Our Christian Preschool Program
Atonement Lutheran Preschool's philosophy is that each child is unique – a special gift from God to be cared for, loved, and nurtured. Children should grow and learn while having fun! A caring Christian community provides the best atmosphere for a child's early education.
Our teaching focuses on the child rather than on the teacher. We believe that children learn best through their own discoveries, active co-operative learning, experiment questioning, sharing, speaking, and listening.
As teachers, our role is to make the children's activities as fun and interesting as possible, and then guide the children through these activities – not dictate them. Also, through our everyday actions we will be serving as constant Christian role models to the children.
NLSA Accreditation.
Classes for three & four-year olds.
Beautiful, preschool building with highest-quality furnishings.
Full-day & Half-day rate plans available.
Class Hours: 8:30-11:30. Lunch bunch and enrichment 11:30-3:30. Before Care & After Care 7:00-8:15 & 3:30-6:00.
Active hands-on learning.
Licensed facility and teachers.
Spacious playground area.
Safe, secured campus.